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Reach out to us and we'll be more than happy to assist you. Our team is dedicated to exceeding your expectations and providing top-quality service. Get your project started today!



1(866) 782-2345


1353 Larc Industrial Blvd | Burnsville, MN | 55337


Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm

​​Saturday: 8am - 4pm

  • “The Mpls Downtown Council relies on the expertise of Modern Mechanical to install the temporary ice rink for our premier outdoor event experience in downtown Mpls each winter. The Modern Mechanical team brings professionalism to the project from design through installation. Their innovation makes our tight production timelines possible and provides a rink that has become the centerpiece of this annual event. Modern Mechanical expertise is relied upon through the extended three-month event period to ensure quality equipment service. We look forward to future successful projects with Modern Mechanical.”

    - Mark Rausch: Loring Park

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